Source code for yatel.db

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice
# you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
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"""Database abstraction layer.



# first see this video
# then:
# and then:


import uuid
import datetime
import string
import decimal

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import sql
from sqlalchemy.engine import url

from yatel import dom


#: This dictionary maps Python types to functions, converts the given type
#: instance to a correct sqlalchemy column type.
#: To retrieve all suported types use db.SQL_ALCHEMY_TYPES.keys()
    datetime.datetime: lambda x: sa.DateTime(),
    datetime.time: lambda x: sa.Time(), lambda x: sa.Date(),
    bool: lambda x: sa.Boolean(),
    int: lambda x: sa.Integer(),
    long: lambda x: sa.BigInteger(),
    float: lambda x: sa.Float(),
    str: lambda x: sa.String(500) if len(x) < 500 else sa.Text(),
    unicode: lambda x: sa.String(500) if len(x) < 500 else sa.Text(),
    decimal.Decimal: lambda x: sa.Numeric()

#: This dictionary maps sqlalchemy Column types to functions, converts the
#: given Column class to python type.
#: To retrieve all suported columns use db.PYTHON_TYPES.keys()
    sa.DateTime: lambda x: datetime.datetime,
    sa.Time: lambda x: datetime.time,
    sa.Date: lambda x:,
    sa.Boolean: lambda x: bool,
    sa.BigInteger: lambda x: long,
    sa.Integer: lambda x: int,
    sa.Float: lambda x: float,
    sa.String: lambda x: str,
    sa.Text: lambda x: unicode,
    sa.Numeric: lambda x: decimal.Decimal,


#: The name of the haplotypes table
HAPLOTYPES = "haplotypes"

#: The name of the facts table
FACTS = "facts"

#: The name of the edges table
EDGES = "edges"

#: A collection with the 3 table names


#: Constant of read-only mode

#: Constant of write mode (Destroy the existing database)

#: Constant of append mode

#: The 3 modes to open the databases


[docs]class YatelNetworkError(Exception): """Error to use when some Yatel logic fails in the database.""" pass #============================================================================== # RESPONSE #==============================================================================
[docs]class UnknowTypeResponse(object): """This class is used for return an unknow type response object"""
[docs]class YatelResponse(object): """Yatel response generator """ def __init__(self, nw, query, cls=UnknowTypeResponse, convf=None, cntf=None): """Create a new instance Parameters ---------- nw : YatelNetwork A Yatel network instance. cls : any type A Python type for identify which instance generate this response object query : sqlAlchemy Query object Generate all the query for given response object convf : callable Convert every query row to given cls instance cntf : callable or None Return how many objects generate *query* object. If is None a traditional sql *count* is used """ self._cnt = None self._nw = nw self._query = query self._cls = cls self._convf = convf if convf else self._default_convf self._cntf = cntf if cntf else self._default_cntf def _default_convf(self, obj): return obj def _default_cntf(self): value = 0 for row in self._nw.execute(self._query): value += 1 return value def __repr__(self): return u"<YatelResponse of '{}' instances>".format(self._cls) def __getitem__(self, idx): if not isinstance(idx, int) and idx < 0: raise IndexError("YatelResponse index can be only an integer >= 0") for jdx, elem in enumerate(self): if jdx == idx: return elem raise IndexError("YatelResponse index out of range") def __iter__(self): for row in self._nw.execute(self._query): yield self._convf(row) def __len__(self): if self._cnt is None: self._cnt = self._cntf() return self._cnt def attrs(self, attrsnames, *args, **kwargs): query =[self._query.c[an] for an in attrsnames]) return YatelResponse(self._nw, query, *args, **kwargs) @property def query(self): return self._query #============================================================================== # NETWORK #==============================================================================
[docs]class YatelNetwork(object): """Abstraction layer for yatel network databases. """ def __init__(self, uri, mode=MODE_READ, log=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance. Parameters ---------- uri : str Connection string to database according to the RFC 1738 spec. mode : str The mode to open the database. - If mode is **r** the network will reflect all the existing yatel collections in the database. - If mode is **w** yatell will destroy all the collections. - If mode is **a** all the elements are copied to a temporal table and the network is ready to accept more elements log : None or bool Print the log of the backend to the standar output kwargs : a dict of arguments for the ``engine``. Extra arguments for a given ``engine`` (see :py:data:`yatel.db.ENGINE_VARS`) Examples -------- **Log enabled** >>> from yatel import db, dom >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///", mode="w", log=True) [ ... LOGS ... ] **Write mode** >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode="w", log=False) >>> nw.add_element(dom.Haplotype(1)) >>> nw.confirm_changes() # change read mode >>> len(tuple(nw.haplotypes_iterator())) 1 **Append to previous network** >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", log=False) >>> nw.add_element(dom.Haplotype(2)) >>> nw.confirm_changes() # change read mode >>> len(tuple(nw.haplotypes_iterator())) 2 **Destroy previous data** >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork(sqlite:///nw.db", mode="w", log=False) >>> nw.add_element(dom.Haplotype(3)) >>> nw.confirm_changes() # change read mode >>> len(tuple(nw.haplotypes_iterator())) 1 """ self._uri = uri self._engine_name = parse_uri(uri)["engine"] self._engine = sa.create_engine(self._uri, echo=bool(log)) self._metadata = sa.MetaData(self._engine) self._mode = mode self._descriptor = None if mode == MODE_READ: try: self._metadata.reflect(only=TABLES) except sa.exc.InvalidRequestError: raise YatelNetworkError("Invalid database") self.haplotypes_table = self._metadata.tables[HAPLOTYPES] self.facts_table = self._metadata.tables[FACTS] self.edges_table = self._metadata.tables[EDGES] else: if mode == MODE_WRITE: self._metadata.reflect() self._metadata.drop_all() self._metadata.clear() self._column_buff = {HAPLOTYPES: [], FACTS: [], EDGES: 0} self._create_objects = sa.Table( uuid.uuid4().get_hex(), self._metadata, sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), primary_key=True), sa.Column("tname", sa.String(length=15), nullable=False), sa.Column("data", sa.PickleType(), nullable=False), prefixes=['TEMPORARY'], ) self._create_conn = self._metadata.bind.connect() self._create_objects.create(self._create_conn) self._create_trans = self._create_conn.begin() if mode == MODE_APPEND: self._creation_append = True try: self._metadata.reflect(only=TABLES) except sa.exc.InvalidRequestError: raise YatelNetworkError("Invalid database") self.haplotypes_table = self._metadata.tables[HAPLOTYPES] self.facts_table = self._metadata.tables[FACTS] self.edges_table = self._metadata.tables[EDGES] self.add_elements(self.haplotypes()) self.add_elements(self.facts()) self.add_elements(self.edges()) self._metadata.drop_all( self._create_conn, tables=[self.haplotypes_table, self.facts_table, self.edges_table] ) self._metadata.remove(self.haplotypes_table) self._metadata.remove(self.facts_table) self._metadata.remove(self.edges_table) del self.haplotypes_table del self.facts_table del self.edges_table del self._creation_append #=========================================================================== # PRIVATE #=========================================================================== def _new_attrs(self, attnames, table): columns = [ for c in self._column_buff[table]] return set(attnames).difference(columns) def _row2hap(self, row): attrs = dict([ (k, v) for k, v in row.items() if k != "hap_id" and v != None ]) hap_id = row["hap_id"] return dom.Haplotype(hap_id, **attrs) def _row2fact(self, row): attrs = dict([ (k, v) for k, v in row.items() if k not in ("id", "hap_id") and v != None ]) hap_id = row["hap_id"] return dom.Fact(hap_id, **attrs) def _row2edge(self, row): haps = [v for k, v in row.items() if k not in ("id", "weight") and v != None] weight = row["weight"] return dom.Edge(weight, haps) #=========================================================================== # DDL METHODS #===========================================================================
[docs] def add_elements(self, elems): """Add multiple instaces of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge` instance. The network must be in **w** or **a** mode. Parameters ---------- elems : iterable of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` or \ :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge` instances. Elements to be added in the network. Examples -------- >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode="w", log=False) >>> nw.add_element([dom.Haplotype(3), dom.Fact(3, att0="foo")]) """ map(self.add_element, elems)
[docs] def add_element(self, elem): """Add single instance of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge`. The network must be in **w** or **a** mode. **REQUIRE MODE:** w|a Parameters ---------- elems : instance of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` or \ :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` or :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge`. Element to add. Examples -------- >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode="w", log=False) >>> nw.add_element(dom.Fact(3, att0="foo")) """ if self.mode == MODE_READ: raise YatelNetworkError("Network in read-only mode") data = None tname = None # determine the hap_id columns if isinstance(elem, (dom.Haplotype, dom.Fact)) \ and not self._column_buff[HAPLOTYPES]: avalue = elem.hap_id atype = type(avalue) ctype = SQL_ALCHEMY_TYPES[atype](avalue) if isinstance(ctype, sa.Text): ctype = sa.String(500) extra_params = {} if isinstance(ctype, sa.Integer): extra_params["autoincrement"] = False self._column_buff[HAPLOTYPES].append( sa.Column("hap_id", ctype, index=True, primary_key=True, **extra_params) ) self._column_buff[FACTS].append( sa.Column("hap_id", ctype, sa.ForeignKey('{}.hap_id'.format(HAPLOTYPES)), index=True, nullable=False) ) if isinstance(elem, dom.Haplotype): new_attrs_names = self._new_attrs(elem.keys(), HAPLOTYPES) for aname in new_attrs_names: avalue = elem[aname] atype = type(avalue) ctype = SQL_ALCHEMY_TYPES[atype](avalue) column = sa.Column(aname, ctype, index=True, nullable=True) self._column_buff[HAPLOTYPES].append(column) data = dict(elem) tname = HAPLOTYPES elif isinstance(elem, dom.Fact): new_attrs_names = self._new_attrs(elem.keys(), FACTS) for aname in new_attrs_names: avalue = elem[aname] atype = type(avalue) ctype = SQL_ALCHEMY_TYPES[atype](avalue) column = sa.Column(aname, ctype, index=True, nullable=True) self._column_buff[FACTS].append(column) data = dict(elem) tname = FACTS elif isinstance(elem, dom.Edge): if len(elem.haps_id) > self._column_buff[EDGES]: self._column_buff[EDGES] = len(elem.haps_id) data = {} for idx, hap_id in enumerate(elem.haps_id): data["hap_{}".format(idx)] = hap_id data["weight"] = elem.weight tname = EDGES # if is trash else: msg = "Object '{}' is not yatel.dom type".format(str(elem)) raise TypeError(msg) self._create_conn.execute(self._create_objects.insert(), tname=tname, data=data)
[docs] def confirm_changes(self): """Creates the subjacent structures to store the elements added and changes to read mode. Examples -------- >>> from yatel import db, dom >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode="w", log=False) >>> nw.add_element(dom.Haplotype(3, att0="foo")) >>> nw.confirm_changes() >>> nw.haplotype_by_id(3) <Haplotype '3' at 0x37a9890> """ if self.mode == MODE_READ: raise YatelNetworkError("Network in read-only mode") # create te tables self.haplotypes_table = sa.Table( HAPLOTYPES, self._metadata, *self._column_buff[HAPLOTYPES] ) self.facts_table = sa.Table( FACTS, self._metadata, sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), primary_key=True), *self._column_buff[FACTS] ) edges_columns = [ sa.Column("hap_{}".format(idx), self.haplotypes_table.c.hap_id.type, sa.ForeignKey(HAPLOTYPES + '.hap_id'), index=True, nullable=True) for idx in range(self._column_buff[EDGES]) ] self.edges_table = sa.Table( EDGES, self._metadata, sa.Column("id", sa.Integer(), primary_key=True), sa.Column("weight", sa.Float(), nullable=False), *edges_columns ) self._metadata.create_all( bind=self._create_conn, tables=[self.haplotypes_table, self.edges_table, self.facts_table] ) try: query =[self._create_objects]) for row in self._create_conn.execute(query): table = None if row.tname == HAPLOTYPES: table = self.haplotypes_table elif row.tname == FACTS: table = self.facts_table elif row.tname == EDGES: table = self.edges_table else: msg = "Invalid tname '{}'".format(row.tname) raise YatelNetworkError(msg) self._create_conn.execute(table.insert(), ** except Exception as err: self._create_trans.rollback() raise err else: self._create_trans.commit() # close all tmp references self._create_trans.close() self._create_conn.close() self._metadata.remove(self._create_objects) # destroys the buffers del self._column_buff del self._create_objects del self._create_conn del self._create_trans self._mode = MODE_READ #=========================================================================== # QUERIES # use execute here #===========================================================================
[docs] def validate_read(self): """Raise a ``YatelNetworkError`` if the network is not in read mode. Raises ------ YatelNetworkError if the network is not in read mode. """ if not getattr(self, "_creation_append", None): if self.mode != MODE_READ: raise YatelNetworkError("Network in {} mode".format(self.mode))
[docs] def execute(self, query): """Execute a given ``query`` to the backend. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- query : a query for the backend A valid query for the backend. """ self.validate_read() return self._engine.execute(query)
[docs] def environments(self, facts_attrs=None): """Iterates over all combinations of environments of the given attrs. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- fact_attrs : iterable Collection of existing fact attribute names. Returns ------- iterator Iterator of dictionaries with all valid combinations of values of a given ``fact_attrs`` names Examples -------- >>> for env in nw.enviroments(["native", "place"]): ··· print env {u'place': None, u'native': True} {u'place': u'Hogwarts', u'native': False} {u'place': None, u'native': False} {u'place': u'Mordor', u'native': True} {u'place': None, u'native': None} ... """ facts_attrs = facts_attrs or () if "hap_id" in facts_attrs: raise ValueError("Invalid fact attr: 'hap_id'") if "id" in facts_attrs: raise ValueError("Invalid fact attr: 'id'") attrs = None if facts_attrs: attrs = facts_attrs else: attrs = tuple( k for k in self.describe()["fact_attributes"].keys() if k != "hap_id" ) query = [self.facts_table.c[k] for k in attrs] ).distinct() def convf(row): return dom.Environment(**row) return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Environment, convf) #========================================================================== # HAPLOTYPE QUERIES #==========================================================================
[docs] def haplotypes(self): """Iterates over all :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` instances stored in the database. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Returns ------- iterator iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotypes` instances. """ query =[self.haplotypes_table]) def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Haplotype, self._row2hap, cntf)
[docs] def haplotype_by_id(self, hap_id): """Return a :py:class:`dom.Haplotype` instace stored in the dabase with the given ``hap_id``. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- hap_id : ``id`` of the haplotypes type table. Returns ------- :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` instance. """ query =[self.haplotypes_table]).where( self.haplotypes_table.c.hap_id == hap_id ).limit(1) row = self.execute(query).fetchone() return self._row2hap(row)
[docs] def haplotypes_by_environment(self, env=None, **kwargs): """Return an iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` related to a :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` with attribute and value specified in ``env`` and ``kwargs``. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- env : dict Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribute. kwargs : a dict of keywords arguments Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribute. Returns ------- iterator Iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype`. Examples -------- >>> from yatel import db, dom >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode=db.MODE_WRITE) >>> nw.add_elements([dom.Haplotype("hap1"), ··· dom.Haplotype("hap2"), ··· dom.Fact("hap1", a=1, c="foo"), ··· dom.Fact("hap2", a=1, b=2), ··· dom.Edge(1, ("hap1", "hap2"))]) >>> nw.confirm_changes() >>> tuple(nw.haplotypes_enviroment(a=1)) (<Haplotype 'hap1' at 0x2463250>, <Haplotype 'hap2' at 0x2463390>) >>> tuple(nw.haplotypes_enviroment({"c": "foo"})) (<Haplotype 'hap1' at 0x2463250>, ) >>> tuple(nw.haplotypes_enviroment({"a": 1}, b=2)) (<Haplotype 'hap2' at 0x2463390>, ) """ env = dict(env) if env else {} env.update(kwargs) where = sql.and_(*[self.facts_table.c[k] == v for k, v in env.items()]) query =[self.haplotypes_table]).select_from( self.haplotypes_table.join( self.facts_table, self.facts_table.c.hap_id == self.haplotypes_table.c.hap_id ) ).where(where).distinct() def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Haplotype, self._row2hap, cntf) #=========================================================================== # EDGES QUERIES #===========================================================================
[docs] def edges(self): """Iterates over all :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge` instances stored in the database. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Returns ------- iterator Iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge` instances. """ query =[self.edges_table]) def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Edge, self._row2edge, cntf)
[docs] def edges_by_environment(self, env=None, **kwargs): """Iterates over all :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge` instances of a given environment please see `yatel.db.YatelNetwork.haplotypes_enviroment` for more documentation about environment. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- env : dict Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribute. kwargs : dict Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribte. Returns ------- iterator Iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge`. """ env = dict(env) if env else {} env.update(kwargs) subquery =[self.facts_table.c.hap_id]).where( sql.and_( *[self.facts_table.c[k] == v for k, v in env.items()] ) ).distinct() query =[self.edges_table]).distinct() for cnt in range(self.describe().edge_attributes["max_nodes"]): alias = subquery.alias("sub_{}".format(cnt)) attr = "hap_{}".format(cnt) query = query.select_from(alias).where( self.edges_table.c[attr] == alias.c.hap_id ) def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Edge, self._row2edge, cntf)
[docs] def edges_by_haplotype(self, hap): """Iterates over all the edges of a given :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype`. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- hap : :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` Haplotype to search with. Returns ------- iterator Iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Edge`. """ where = sql.or_(*[v == hap.hap_id for k, v in self.edges_table.c.items() if k.startswith("hap_")]) query =[self.edges_table]).where(where).distinct() def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Edge, self._row2edge, cntf) #=========================================================================== # FACTS QUERIES #===========================================================================
[docs] def facts(self): """Iterates over all :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` instances stored in the database. """ query =[self.facts_table]) def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Fact, self._row2fact, cntf)
[docs] def facts_by_haplotype(self, hap): """Return a iterator of all facts of a given :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype`. Parameters ---------- hap : :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` Haplotype to search with. Returns ------- iterator Iterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact`. """ query =[self.facts_table]).where( self.facts_table.c.hap_id == hap.hap_id ).distinct() def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Fact, self._row2fact, cntf)
[docs] def facts_by_environment(self, env=None, **kwargs): """Iterates over all :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` instances of a given environment please see `yatel.db.YatelNetwork.haplotypes_environment` for more documentation about environment. **REQUIRE MODE:** r Parameters ---------- env : dict Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribute. kwargs : dict of keywords arguments Keys are :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact` attributes name, and value is a possible value of the given attribute. Returns ------- iterator Iteratorterator of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Fact`. """ env = dict(env) if env else {} env.update(kwargs) where = sql.and_(*[self.facts_table.c[k] == v for k, v in env.items()]) query =[self.facts_table]).where(where).distinct() def cntf(): return self.execute( query.alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return YatelResponse(self, query, dom.Fact, self._row2fact, cntf) #=========================================================================== # DESCRIPTOR #===========================================================================
[docs] def describe(self): """Returns a :py:class:`yatel.dom.Descriptor` object with all the information about the network. The descriptor object is a dictionary like with keys: edges_attributes : dict Dictionary contains always 2 keys : ``max_nodes`` How many nodes connect the edge with maximun number of connections. And ``weight`` the time of weight attribute fact_attributes : dict Contains an arbitrary number of keys, with keys as attributes name, and value as attribute type. haplotype_atributes : dict Contains an arbitrary number of keys, with keys as attributes name, and value as attribute type. mode : str Actual mode of the network size : dict Has the number of elements in the network discrimined by type haplotypes, facts and edges. Examples -------- >>> nw = db.YatelNetwork(...) >>> nw.describe() ... { ... u'edge_attributes': { ... u'max_nodes': 2, ... u'weight': <type 'float'> ... }, ... u'fact_attributes': { ... u'align': <type 'int'>, ... u'category': <type 'str'>, ... u'coso': <type 'str'>, ... u'hap_id': <type 'int'>, ... } ... u'haplotype_attributes': { ... u'color': <type 'str'>, ... u'description': <type 'str'>, ... u'hap_id': <type 'int'>, ... } ... u'mode': 'r', ... u'size': {u'edges': 10, u'facts': 20, u'haplotypes': 5} ... } """ if self._descriptor: return self._descriptor descriptor_data = {} def hap_attributes(): types = {} for att_name, column in self.haplotypes_table.c.items(): pptype = None for satype in type(column.type).__mro__: if satype in PYTHON_TYPES: pptype = PYTHON_TYPES[satype](satype) break if pptype: types[att_name] = pptype else: msg = "{} Column type '{}' unsuported".format( att_name, str(column.type) ) raise YatelNetworkError(msg) return types def fact_attributes(): types = {} for att_name, column in self.facts_table.c.items(): if att_name == "id": continue pptype = None for satype in type(column.type).__mro__: if satype in PYTHON_TYPES: pptype = PYTHON_TYPES[satype](satype) break if pptype: types[att_name] = pptype else: msg = "{} Column type '{}' unsuported".format( att_name, str(column.type) ) raise YatelNetworkError(msg) return types def edge_attributes(): max_nodes = len(self.edges_table.c) - 2 return {u"weight": float, u"max_nodes": max_nodes} def sizes(): hapn = self.execute([self.haplotypes_table]).alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() factn = self.execute([self.facts_table]).alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() edgen = self.execute([self.edges_table]).alias("cnt").count() ).scalar() return {u"haplotypes": hapn, u"facts": factn, u"edges": edgen} descriptor_data[u"mode"] = self.mode descriptor_data[u"haplotype_attributes"] = hap_attributes() descriptor_data[u"fact_attributes"] = fact_attributes() descriptor_data[u"edge_attributes"] = edge_attributes() descriptor_data[u"size"] = sizes() self._descriptor = dom.Descriptor(**descriptor_data) return self._descriptor #=========================================================================== # PROPERTIES #===========================================================================
[docs] def mode(self): """Returns mode of the database.""" return self._mode
[docs] def uri(self): """Returns uri of the database.""" return self._uri #=============================================================================== # FUNCTIONS #===============================================================================
[docs]def qfilter(query, flt): """Filters a Yatel query by a given filter. Parameters ---------- query : iterator of Yatel DOM Data to apply filter on. flt : Lambda expression Filter expression. """ for elem in query: if flt(elem): yield elem
[docs]def parse_uri(uri, mode=MODE_READ, log=None): """Creates a dictionary to use in creation of a YatelNetwork. :: parsed = db.parse_uri("mysql://tito:pass@localhost:2525/mydb", mode=db.MODE_READ, log=None) nw = db.YatelNetwork(**parsed) is equivalent to .. code-block:: python nw = db.YatelNetwork("mysql://tito:pass@localhost:3306/mydb", mode=db.MODE_READ, log=None) """ urlo = url.make_url(uri) return {"mode": mode, "log": log, "engine": urlo.drivername, "database": urlo.database, "user": urlo.username, "password": urlo.password, "host":, "port": urlo.port}
[docs]def to_uri(engine, database, **kwargs): """Create a correct uri for a given engine ignoring all unused parameters. Parameters ---------- engine: str The engine name. kwargs : dict Variables for the engine. Examples -------- >>> from yatel import db >>> db.to_uri("sqlite", database="nw.db") 'sqlite:///nw.db' >>> db.to_uri("mysql", database="nw", host="localhost", port=3306, ··· user="root", password="secret") 'mysql://root:secret@localhost:3306/nw' """ template = "{engine}{driver}://{user}{password}{host}{port}/{database}" driver = "+" + kwargs["driver"] if "driver" in kwargs else "" user = kwargs.get("user", "") password = ":" + kwargs["password"] if "password" in kwargs else "" host = "@" + kwargs["host"] if "host" in kwargs else "" port = ":" + str(kwargs["port"]) if "port" in kwargs else "" return template.format( engine=engine, driver=driver, user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=database )
[docs]def exists(uri): """Returns ``True`` if exists a :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` database in that connection. Parameters ---------- uri : str Connection string to database according to the RFC 1738 spec. Returns ------- existsdb : bool This function return ``False`` if: - The database does not exists. - The hap_id column has diferent types in ``haplotypes``, ``facts`` or ``edges`` tables. - The ``edges`` table hasn't a column ``weight`` with type float. Examples -------- >>> from yatel import db, dom >>> db.exists("sqlite", mode="r", database="nw.db") False >>> from_nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///") >>> from_nw.add_elements([dom.Haplotype("hap1"), ··· dom.Haplotype("hap2"), ··· dom.Fact("hap1", a=1, c="foo"), ··· dom.Fact("hap2", a=1, b=2), ··· dom.Edge(1, ("hap1", "hap2"))]) >>> from_nw.confirm_changes() >>> db.exists("sqlite", mode="r", database="nw.db") True """ try: nw = YatelNetwork(uri=uri, mode=MODE_READ) desc = nw.describe() hap_types = desc["haplotype_attributes"] fact_types = desc["fact_attributes"] edges_types = desc["edge_attributes"] if hap_types["hap_id"] != fact_types["hap_id"]: return False except Exception as err: return False else: return True
[docs]def copy(from_nw, to_nw): """Copy all the network in ``from_nw`` to the network ``to_nw``. ``from_nw`` must be in read-only mode and ``to_nw`` in write or append mode. Is your responsability to call ``to_nw.confirm_changes()`` after the copy. Parameters ---------- from_nw : :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` Network in **r** mode. to_nw : :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` Network in **w** or **a** mode. Examples -------- >>> from yatel import db, dom >>> from_nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode=db.MODE_WRITE) >>> from_nw.add_elements([dom.Haplotype("hap1"), ··· dom.Haplotype("hap2"), ··· dom.Fact("hap1", a=1, c="foo"), ··· dom.Fact("hap2", a=1, b=2), ··· dom.Edge(1, ("hap1", "hap2"))]) >>> from_nw.confirm_changes() >>> to_nw = db.YatelNetwork("sqlite:///nw.db", mode=db.MODE_WRITE) >>> db.copy(from_nw, to_nw) >>> to_nw.confirm_changes() >>> list(from_nw.haplotypes()) == list(to_nw.haplotypes()) True """ to_nw.add_elements(from_nw.haplotypes()) to_nw.add_elements(from_nw.facts()) to_nw.add_elements(from_nw.edges()) #=============================================================================== # MAIN #===============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)