Source code for yatel.dom

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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"""Domain Object Model for Yatel.



import collections


[docs]class YatelDOM(collections.Mapping): """Base class for yatel objects, handling arbitrary keys. """ CLEAN_NULL = True def __init__(self, **attrs): if "id" in attrs: raise ValueError("'id' is not valid attribute name") self._data = dict([ [k, v] for k, v in attrs.items() if v is not None ]) if self.CLEAN_NULL else attrs super(YatelDOM, self).__init__() def __getitem__(self, k): """x.__getitem__(k) <==> x[k]""" return self._data[k] def __iter__(self): """x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)""" return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): """x.__len__() <==> len(x)""" return len(self._data) def __eq__(self, obj): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y""" return isinstance(obj, type(self)) and self._data == obj._data def __hash__(self): """x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)""" return hash(tuple(self._data.items())) def __ne__(self, obj): """x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y""" return not (self == obj) def __getattr__(self, n): """x.__getattr__('name') <==> <==> x['name']""" try: return self._data[n] except KeyError: t = type(self).__name__ msg = "'{t}' object has no attribute '{n}'".format(t=t, n=n) raise AttributeError(msg) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" return repr(self._data) #=============================================================================== # HAPLOTYPES #===============================================================================
[docs]class Haplotype(YatelDOM): """Represents an individual class or group with similar characteristics to be analized.""" def __init__(self, hap_id, **attrs): """Creates a new instance Parameters ---------- hap_id : Unique id of this haplotype. attrs : Different attributes of this haplotype. """ if hap_id is None: raise ValueError("'hap_id' can't be None") attrs["hap_id"] = hap_id super(Haplotype, self).__init__(**attrs) def __eq__(self, obj): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y""" return isinstance(obj, Haplotype) and self.hap_id == obj.hap_id def __hash__(self): """x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)""" return hash(self.hap_id) def __ne__(self, obj): """x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y""" return not (self == obj) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" cls = type(self).__name__ desc = self.hap_id at = hex(id(self)) return "<{cls} ({desc}) at {at}>".format(cls=cls, desc=desc, at=at) #=============================================================================== # FACT #===============================================================================
[docs]class Fact(YatelDOM): """Fact represents a *metadata* of the `haplotype`. For example if you gather in two places the same `haplotype`, the characteristics of these places correspond to different *facts* of the same `haplotype`. """ def __init__(self, hap_id, **attrs): """Creates a new instance Parameters ---------- hap_id : The `dom.Haplotype` id of this `fact`. attrs : Different attributes of this `fact`. """ if hap_id is None: raise ValueError("'hap_id' can't be None") attrs["hap_id"] = hap_id super(Fact, self).__init__(**attrs) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" cls = type(self).__name__ desc = "of Haplotype '{hap_id}'".format(hap_id=self.hap_id) at = hex(id(self)) return "<{cls} ({desc}) at {at}>".format(cls=cls, desc=desc, at=at) #=============================================================================== # Edge #===============================================================================
[docs]class Edge(YatelDOM): """Represents a relation between 2 or more `haplotypes`. """ CLEAN_NULL = False def __init__(self, weight, haps_id): """Creates a new instance. Parameters ---------- weight : The degree of relationship between `haplotypes`. haps_id : The list of the related `haplotypes`. """ super(Edge, self).__init__( weight=float(weight), haps_id=tuple(haps_id) ) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" cls = type(self).__name__ desc = "{weight} {haps_id}".format( weight=self.weight, haps_id=str(self.haps_id) ) at = hex(id(self)) return "<{cls} ({desc}) at {at}>".format(cls=cls, desc=desc, at=at) #=============================================================================== # ENVIROMENT #===============================================================================
[docs]class Environment(YatelDOM): """Represents an iterable dictionary of dictionaries with valid combinations of values of the attributes given when the instance is created. """ CLEAN_NULL = False def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" cls = type(self).__name__ desc = super(Environment, self).__repr__() at = hex(id(self)) return "<{cls} {desc} at {at}>".format(cls=cls, desc=desc, at=at) #=============================================================================== # DESCRIPTOR #===============================================================================
[docs]class Descriptor(YatelDOM): """Represents detailed information of a network. """ CLEAN_NULL = False def __init__(self, mode, fact_attributes, haplotype_attributes, edge_attributes, size): """Creates a new instance. Parameters ---------- edges_attributes : dict Dictionary contains always 2 keys: `max_nodes` How many nodes connect the edge with maximun number of connections. And `weight` the time od weight attribute fact_attributes : dict Contains an arbitrary number of keys, with keys as attributes name, and value as attribute type. haplotype_atributes : dict Contains an arbitrary number of keys, with keys as attributes name, and value as attribute type. mode : str Actual mode of the network size : dict Has the number of elements in the network discrimined by type haplotypes, facts and edges. """ super(Descriptor, self).__init__( mode=mode, fact_attributes=fact_attributes, haplotype_attributes=haplotype_attributes, edge_attributes=edge_attributes, size=size ) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" cls = type(self).__name__ desc = super(Descriptor, self).__repr__() at = hex(id(self)) return "<{cls} '{desc}' at {at}>".format(cls=cls, desc=desc, at=at) #=============================================================================== # MAIN #===============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)