Source code for yatel.qbj.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice
# you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
# think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a WISKEY in return.


"""Main logic behind QBJ.



import sys
import json
import traceback

    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO

from yatel import typeconv
from yatel.qbj import functions, schema


[docs]class QBJResolver(object): """Resolver of QBJ calls. Parameters ---------- function : dict Keys of ``function``: - ``name`` function to be called. - ``args`` positional arguments for function ``name``. - ``kwargs`` named arguments for function ``name``. For further detail on functions arguments see :py:mod:`yatel.qbj.functions` context : :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` Network to execute functions on. """ def __init__ (self, function, context): self.function = function self.context = context def _argument_resolver(self, arg): atype = arg["type"] value = None if "function" in arg: function = arg["function"] resolver = QBJResolver(function, self.context) value = resolver.resolve() else: value = arg["value"] return typeconv.parse({"type": atype, "value": value})
[docs] def resolve(self): """Responsible for putting together the call to ``function`` with the respective arguments, and return its result. """ name = self.function["name"] args = [] for arg in self.function.get("args", ()): result = self._argument_resolver(arg) args.append(result) kwargs = {} for kw, arg in self.function.get("kwargs", {}).items(): result = self._argument_resolver(arg) kwargs[kw] = result if "nw" in kwargs: return functions.execute(name, *args, **kwargs) return functions.execute(name, self.context, *args, **kwargs) #=============================================================================== # CLASS CORE #===============================================================================
[docs]class QBJEngine(object): """Responsible of storing context for QBJ queries, and executes the functions required on it. Parameters ---------- nw : :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` Network to be used with the query. """ def __init__(self, nw): self.context = nw
[docs] def execute(self, querydict, stacktrace=False): """Takes the query in ``querydict`` and executes it after validation of it's structure. Parameters ---------- querydict : dict Dictionary with query in QBJ format. stacktrace : bool or False True if you want a stacktrace to be generated. Returns ------- dict Result of the query. """ query_id = None function = None error = False stack_trace = None error_msg = "" result = None try: schema.validate(querydict) query_id = querydict["id"] function = querydict["function"] main_resolver = QBJResolver(function, self.context) result = typeconv.simplifier(main_resolver.resolve()) except Exception as err: if not query_id and isinstance(querydict, dict): query_id = querydict.get("id") error = True error_msg = unicode(err) if stacktrace: stack_trace = u"\n".join( traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) ) return { "id": query_id, "error": error, "stack_trace": stack_trace, "error_msg": error_msg, "result": result } #=============================================================================== # MAIN #===============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)